Pedigree Chart Maker

Make pedigree charts, family tree, and more in minutes

The Easy Choice for Creating Pedigree Charts Online

SmartDraw is the world's best way to make a pedigree chart.

A pedigree chart can show the genetic history of a family or animals over several generations. You can use the chart to show genetic disorderss through generations.

Instead of starting with a blank page, SmartDraw provides a pedigree template where the father-mother shapes are already connected. Add children or another generation with easy commands.

You can then collaborate on your chart with your family or a team by saving it to a shared folder or sharing the file by simply emailing them a link.

SmartDraw pedigree charts are always presentation-ready. Export them to Microsoft Word®, Excel®, PDF, or PowerPoint® in just a few clicks.

Need to add your visual to Google Docs? SmartDraw also connects with any Google Workspace application.

Pedigree chart maker

Easy to Edit Pedigree Templates

Choose a pedigree chart template below to open SmartDraw in your browser to start making a pedigree chart right now.

SmartDraw is Used by Over 85% of the Fortune 500

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Try SmartDraw's Pedigree Chart Software Free

Discover for yourself how easy SmartDraw's pedigree chart maker is to learn and use.

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