Add Azure DevOps Work Items to Any Workspace

Keep your development team in sync by importing Azure DevOps cards into any visual. Changes made in SmartDraw can be pushed back to Azure Devops easily.

Open the Azure DevOps Visualizer

Click the + icon to switch the SmartPanel into the Insert Content view.

Once on the Insert Content view, select the Add Data Visualizer section and click on Azure Devops.

Launch the Azure DevOps visualizer

Add or Import Work Items

After choosing the Azure Devops data visualizer, you will be prompted to login to your Azure account. Once you authenticate, you will be able to choose between creating a new Work Item or importing an existing Work Item.

Create new work item or import an existing work item

Creating a New Work Item

Let's cover how to use SmartDraw to add a new Work Item as a shape to your visual. This will also add a new issue or bug to your Azure DevOps project. Click Create New Work Item in the first dialog of the Azure Devops Data Visualizer and choose your organization and project. Next, select the type of Work Item you want to add. You can choose from Bug, Epic, Features, Issue, Task, Test Case, and more. Assign it to a team member, set the priority, and write a short summary of the item. Click OK to add a new Work Item shape to your work area.

Add new Work Item

Import a Work Item

Once connected, you can also import an existing Work Item from your Azure DevOps project. Click Search for Existing Work Items in the main Azure Devops Data Visualizer dialog. Specify the organization, project, and team you want to import a Work Item from. You can also specify the status of the item, the type, and creation date. You can also filter your search by searching for a specific phrase or word in the title. Click Search to bring up a list of items that match your criteria.

Search for Work Items to import

You can simply check the boxes next to the Work Items you want to create shapes for and click OK to add them to your workspace.

Select Work Items

SmartDraw will add a card for each Work Item selected. The card will contain the Work Item summary, assignee, and priority level. SmartDraw will also pull in all the relevant icons, a link to Azure DevOps for more information.

Azure Devops Work Items

Update Work Items

Once you imported some Azure DevOps Work Items, the SmartPanel Tool view (click on the toolbox icon in the left bar) will have some relevant commands that let you update those items and sync the updates back to your project.

To update a selected Work Item click on Update Azure Devops Work Item.

Azure Devops tools

You can edit the assignee, priority, and summary of the selected Work Item.

Update Azure DevOps Work Items
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