Automated ERD and Database Diagrams

The SmartDraw ERD (Database Diagram) data visualizer generates a visual representation of your database automatically. First, you'll want to export a CSV of your table definitions from your database server. SmartDraw will use this file to generate a visual of your database.

Open the ERD Visualizer

Click the + icon to switch the SmartPanel into the Insert Content view.

Once on the Insert Content view, select the Add Data Visualizer section and click on ERD Diagram.

Launch the ERD data visualizer

Preparing Your Data

First, you'll want to export your data from your database. We have some scripts you can use for the most common database types from SQL to Oracle. Click here to get the script specific to your database.

Build Your ERD (Database Diagram)

After launching the visualizer, you can drag and drop your data file or browse to find your table definition CSV file on your computer.

Once the file is loaded and parsed, you can click Show Table List to see how SmartDraw sees your data.

Upload ERD data file

If you clicked to show the table list, you can check or uncheck any data tables you want to include in your final ERD. You can also skip this step and SmartDraw will simply import everything.

Click Import to generate your diagram when you're ready.

ERD options

The database diagram generated is fully editable.

A completed database or ERD diagram
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