Automated UML Sequence Diagrams

SmartDraw's UML Sequence Diagram data visualizer allows you to import PlantUML markup created in Lucidchart to generate a UML sequence diagram.

Generate a UML sequence diagram from markup

Open the UML Sequence Diagram Visualizer

Click the + icon to switch the SmartPanel into the Insert Content view.

Once on the Insert Content view, select the Add Data Visualizer section and click on UML Sequence Diagram.

Launch the UML Sequence diagram visualizer

Upload Your File

If you're a Lucidchart user, you may be familiar with their UML sequence markup tool. To make transitioning to SmartDraw easier, SmartDraw will now import any markup you've created in Lucidchart and generate an identical sequence diagram from your existing code.

Simply save your markup in Lucidchart as a text file and launch the UML sequence diagram visualizer.

Drag and drop your file to the dialog or click to browse for it on your system.  

UML sequence diagram import

Once your file is loaded and parsed, you can click Import to build your diagram.

The generated diagram acts like any other diagram you would have created in SmartDraw. You can edit text, shapes, colors, add or delete shapes as needed.

UML sequence diagram import
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