Handling a Conservatorship

Handling a Conservatorship

Create Estate Planning examples like this template called Handling a Conservatorship that you can easily edit and customize in minutes.

Text in this Example:

Prepare citation
Write court order appointing conservator
Write document needed to place conservator
Prepare Acceptance of Service of Citation and Waiver
Prepare Order for citation
Compile petition for appointment of conservator
Collect and organize data needed to set up conservatorship
Document inventory of assets under conservatorship
Write court order approving conservatorship final accounting and direct distribution
Compile conservatorship final accounting
Write court order approving annual accounting
Compile tax returns affected by conservatorship
Provide annual accounting for conservatorship
Administer conservator checking account
Fill out conservatorship direct distribution receipt
Write court order to sell personal property under conservatorship
Write conservator's petition for sale of personal property
Write court order to sell real property under conservatorship
Prepare and serve citation for sale
Prepare conservator's petition for sale of real property
Write court order closing conservatorship
Handling a Conservatorship

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