Why Visuals Communicate Better Than Words

Present data more effectively

Here at SmartDraw, we've been saying it (and practicing it) for years. To reach your audience more efficiently and effectively, visuals communicate better than words.

This isn't just an opinion. Take a look at some facts:

  • Your brain processes visuals 60,000 x faster than text.
  • Photos on Facebook generate more "likes" and "shares" than text, video or links.
  • New and different information is easier to remember when it is presented visually, rather than in text format.
  • Ninety-three percent of communication is nonverbal.
  • Sixty percent of people are visual learners.
  • Publishers who use infographics realize an increase in traffic of 12% over those who don't.
  • Pinterest generated more referral traffic for business than Twitter, Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn combined.

Maybe this infographic says it more efficiently and effectively than the above text. Do visuals communicate better than words? You decide.

Infographic - Visual Communication

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