The VisualScript Cookbook

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Drill Down to Get More Information in Reports

VisualScript makes it easy to link to source data or drill down to more reports or additional information in a single report.

Drill Down with Notes

You can add a note to any shape, event, task or table cell in VisualScript. This creates a tooltip that displays the note in the visual.

        var myDocument=new VS.Document();
        var rootShape=myDocument.GetTheShape();
        rootShape.SetLabel("Click for more info").SetNote("This is more information");

Add notes

Drill Down with Shape Data

To show more structured data with a drill down assign a row in a DataTable to a shape or an event. DataTables are discussed here.

        var myDocument=new VS.Document();
        var rootShape=myDocument.GetTheShape();
        rootShape.SetLabel("Richard Szabo/nDirector of R&D").SetShapeDataRow(1,3);

Drill down to shape data

Drill Down with Expanded Views

You can add a whole new visual to a shape, event, task or even a table cell, using the AddExpandedView() method. This returns a new VS.Document() object which you can use to create a whole new image that appears as a tool tip on the parent.

        var myDocument=new VS.Document();
        var rootShape=myDocument.GetTheShape();
        rootShape.SetLabel("Drill Down by clicking below"); //set the text that goes inside the shape
        var expandVS=rootShape.AddExpandedView();
        var eShape=expandVS.GetTheShape();
        var eTable=eShape.AddTable(4,6);
        eTable.AddCell(2,3).SetLabel("A cell");

Drill down reports with expanded view
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